creating Drama for a Crisis
We'll Meet Again.
The first production set out to commemorate the end of WWII and remind the audience of the losses & sacrifices made by many. At the same time, the driving force was a desire to raise as much money as possible for "War Child". This charity believes that children should not be the innocent victims of war and works to prevent and minimise their suffering. |
The cast for the show, which was a mixture of music, song, comedy and pathos was drawn from the local community. The youngest was 9 years old (and what a little star she was!) and the oldest 86! We had a great original script (We’ll Meet again) , written by Shiela Lucas .
(STOP PRESS : Script now available from Jasper Publishing ™
Lighting, sound systems, props and costumes were all collected on a 'beg & borrow' (no we didn't steal anything!) basis (make do and mend - in the true spirit of the 40's) and hence the name of the group "shoestring".
There wasn't even a theatre to stage a production but a promise had been made by a local school so rehearsals started and things were progressing nicely for the play in October 2005 until....
September headmistress suddenly says hall not up to Fire regs so could not be used !!!
About 2 weeks later after much asking around and begging, Minister (Ann Hall) of a local methodist church offers church hall. Excellent! the play is now back on track. But stage, no lights, no sound system, looks like a little more work to do.
With a week to go, hired basic lighting system from Liteopia Ltd (but not sure they do lighting hire any more.) Simon Chaplin from the company was really helpful and, in view of our circumstances, let us have the gear at a knock down rate. Thanks Simon.
Music and SFX intended to be played via a cheap and nasty sound system but further chaos this blew up at dress rehearsal a week before the gig. Again people's generosity came to the fore and local sound company boss, Craig Buckley, loaned a very decent PA free of charge.
All turned out well in the end and a cheque for £1020 was presented to War Child (as well as everyone having a great time !)